Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tournament Attire.

At speech tournaments, we are all required to wear professional... wear. You know, suits and sweaters and pencil skirts and that sort of thing. The type of garment that induces everyone to suppose you are older than you really are. The sort of clothing that, combined with a brisk walk, sends everyone running out of your way, because you look like you have somewhere to be, some deadline to fill, something IMPORTANT to be doing. Professional wear.

Anyhow, as I sat waiting outside of my Apologetics room, I overheard a interesting conversation. A young man woefully said,

"It's not fair. Girls don't have to worry about keeping their shirts tucked in all the time."

"No kidding!" his friend responded. "Plus they don't have to wear ties."

HA! If only they knew. HA! Why? Because girls are supposed to wear hose to be professional. And you can't get much worse than that. Ties and tucked in shirts don't even compare.
Wincing from the pain from my Very Professional, Very Uncomfortable high heels, I turned back to my apologetics box and said nothing.

Hehe! I can't believe I typed out the word: hose! Don't tell anybody. =D


Ashton Winslow. said...

deary me.... sounds like certain young men did not know what they were talking about.... aka, me. :)

Anonymous said...

lol.... if only they knew..... XD

Haley said...

Haha! I agree with you! Hose: the article of clothing that, once washed several times, starts to slip down while you are wearing it, causing you to either duck iinto a bathroom or attempt to pull it up in a deserted hallway. Shoes: the things that make your feet scream when you put them on the day after the tournament because of all the blisters. And skirts: the articles of clothing that limit your movements. Seriously. Just try sitting on the floor with one of them one. Even if it is long enough that technically you could wear it and still do criss cross applesauce, any woman who walks past is going to raise her eyebrows at the young lady sitting like a toddler on the floor wearing a SKIRT. Oh yes... the pains of being professional young women. :)

Lady June Whimsy said...

Yeah, tucking in ones shirt is nothing compared to the inconvenience of sitting in skirts, with all the little rules of etiquette associated with them. And nylons and heels. There is something strange that happens to your feet as soon as they enter the shoe.

But that's not saying I'm not eternally thankful I don't need to wear ties to tournaments. They're a pain to put on. :P

Jare said...

But I would rather wear a tie then


Marian said...

Lol, they have no idea...

Qwip said...

Yeah, I keep my ties tied all the time, and just loosen them to slip them on and off. And I also get someone else to pick out my shirt, yet I still find the hassle wearing dress clothes annoying. I'm very grateful not to be female...

Ashton Winslow. said...

I will second that, Qwipster...